at sign


  Intro as Julian Ponsonby-Smith, looks like Smith but is pronounced Smyth

I'm here on behalf of the club I've sent here to witness and report on the execution of these trees unfortunately I think I've got the wrong day - the execution mobile is taking the day off

it looks as though I may be a little early. 

panning - there are so many trees to die.

Being as we are here I think it might be an idea to interview the trees on death row at the Enzo site in Glynneath

where shall we start - how about this ancient woodland here that looks to be around 100-200 year old but while we are walking over to the trees lets look at how they were condemned by the judge & jury Steve Ball at the recent Neath Port Talbot Council planning meeting   

props - Wellies - blazer - hat  - camera tripod - 

66 6058b Steve Ball BS trees
JPS   JPS talks to tree - speaking a foreign language - is that Welsh

standing next to tree - Julian makes no sense I think they are speaking Welsh - Welshman interviews trees + hats & puppets who all say ask 

JPS   JPS sends SW to talk to trees
SW   SW walks out of earshot
JPS   JPS whispers to camera about how he calls Stu pid W without him even knowing and when he was a member of the Bullingdick club he used to seek out Welshmen to fish slap 

Bullingdick club 

Intro as Julian Ponsonby-Smith, Buckinghamshire Eton & Oxford educated

hired this local stupid Welshman to film me 


& characters

  SW talk to tree standing next to tree - ask question - whisper 

hats - wolf tiger - sheep 

Griff Rhys-Jones - information gap - fresh paper

props - hats - puppets

JPS   JPS Julian asks the Welshman 

GRJ - information gap - fresh piece of paper -  

 what does it mean.

props - paper

SW   .......Follow me........... I think I know
66   100% know that he's lying here when he says about the document being sent by email.

We know he is lying when he says the information received in the document was received too late because he later contradicts himself and says that everything in the document they had received previously. 

and at this point here we can check to see if he is showing the signs of a stereotypical liar, what about his body language - see how he looks up to the right just before he lies.

I haven't researched the tree but what the body language of SB suggests along with his use of terminology such as information gap and fresh piece of paper and the fact that he's gone generic and not specific in relation to the TPOs is that he is lying through his teeth, allegedly of course. 

    photoshop GRJ into SB
    reply SB
66 6058b-ed SB talk again with SB lying 
    coming soon - death to the hedgehogs 


part01 6191a Intro & stuff up to walk to the trees
part02 6058b Steve Ball BS trees
part03 6202a taking to the tree & JPS slags the Welsh
part05 6058b -ed SB talk again with SB lying 


X 6189


X 6190


OK - without pronounciation
yes1 6191


part01 6191a Intro & stuff up to walk to the trees
X 6192


yes2 6193


execution info
yes 6195


seen the executioiner
yes 6196


good OK
yes 6197


cut to 2nd effort
X 6198 one - no good


might go with the end bit - death row - there it is

X 6199 more rubbish relating to death row
  6200 panning up the tree -
X 6201  
yes 6202


death row march & talking to tree
part2 6202a taking to the tree & JPS slags the Welsh
X 6203 OK up to -it can be cut but I keep looking away
yes 6204


really good
X 6205  
  6206 not bad
yes 6207


walking wrong way - 2nd take is best
yes 6208


SW talk to tree & walk back
yes 6209


JPS ask him if there is anyone else we can speak to
yes 6210


hats on
  6211 fresh paper
yes 6212


follow me


JPS - walk with the animals
  6214 JPS - walk with the animals
  6215 GRJ to Ball lying
  6215a GRJ to Ball lying
  6216 enter office
  6216 enter office