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(written 3 July 2021) - A recent report submitted to Natural Resources Wales shows that 20% of properties that have long term occupancy in a Glynneath Street bordering a landfill site have had a family member die from a rare neurodegenerative disorder in the last 5 years. This is approximately 112 times the national average**. 


The report shows that the probable cause of these deaths is malpractice identified in the Neath-Port Talbot Council planning department archives that breached the 1990 Environmental Protection Act and has placed Glynneath residents in danger from identified but untreated contamination from that date.

A Glynneath residents group have been battling against corruption within the Neath-Port Talbot planning process that has potentially cost the lives of several residents in the area. Analysts have identified many inconsistencies and deliberate acts of misconduct amongst council staff and elected councillors. 

Ceri Morris, the Head of the Planning Department at Neath-Port Talbot Council is one of the key figures in a corruption coalition that is covering-up historical malpractice that will potentially cause further deaths of Glynneath residents. 

This video focuses on a corruption incident in the planning process for the Heol y Glyn landfill site housing development, in it, we see how the Neath-Port Talbot Council's Head of Planning blatantly falsifies the role of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act within the planning process to support the corrupt actions of the planning department's Steve Ball. 

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BACKGROUND - Steve Ball, the Planning Department Development Manager was using methods of deception and blocking tactics to avoid providing information on the contamination found at the Heol y Glyn landfill site in 2008. We wrote to the Council Leader Rob Jones identifying the potential breach of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act and requested the same information. To avoid accountability for this breach of the act, the Council Leader treated our information request as a complaint and passed it on to Ceri Morris, the Head of the Planning Department. In a letter from Mr Morris relating to his investigation of Steve Ball's deception he deliberately falsified relevant information relating to the 1990 Act.

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The Head of Planning can be seen to support Steve Ball's corrupt actions in his 'complaint resolution' referred by the Council Leader. 


We see here a blatant falsification of both this UK Government legislation and the council contaminated land policy which allies itself with the 1990 Environmental Protection Act. In his letter dated 4 May 2020, he says


"Turning specifically to the issue of land contamination at the site and whether the Council has historically contravened the Environmental Protection Act 1990, I would advise that this legislation no longer applies when a site is going through the planning
process; by definition therefore the Council has not at any point contravened its duties under this legislation, as it is not relevant once the planning process has commenced."


If we refer to the council's Contaminated Land Strategy in place at the time we will see that land contamination should be dealt with early in the planning process............ 


"One of the key objectives of the council's Contaminated Land Strategy (Key Objective 4:) is to ensure that during the redevelopment of new sites, land contamination issues are dealt with effectively and at an early stage of the planning process."

and then we should refer to the UK Environmental Law Association's guidance on the 1990 Environmental Protection Act and contaminated land which states:

"Please note that the planning process does not override the contaminated land regime provided by Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990."


Both the Neath-Port Talbot Council Contaminated Land Strategy and an Association of experts in UK environmental law state that the 1990 Act is part of the planning process. Ceri Morris states that it's not. Ceri Morris has deliberately committed an act of deception that may cost the lives of the residents he is paid to serve.  


00z.jpg (343808 bytes)   If we refer to the conclusion of the report submitted to Natural Resources Wales.

“Residents of Brynhyfryd are dying from the rare neurological disorder Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. These deaths are almost certainly due to specified and other possible unspecified contamination tipped at the Heol y Glyn landfill site. Public officers who have covered up this contamination are potentially responsible for the unlawful killing of these residents.”

Ceri Morris is one of those public officers. 

     In 2020, the site was tested and found to be contaminated with up to 9 times above the safety guidelines for some of the contaminants.

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Ceri Morris is continuing to and has potentially murdered Glynneath residents to support the corrupt activities of the Neath-Port Talbot Council Planning Department.




All members in the coalition are guilty of the criminal offence.

"Misconduct in Public Office"

Further information relating to Neath-Port Talbot Council corruption can be found on the website and our youtube playlist Glynneath Contamination:



**(Public Health England figures, no figures available for Wales). - CLICK HERE FOR THE SOURCE OF THIS INFORMATION



4/7/2021 email sent to this distribution list Mr Ceri Morris - Head of Planning Department - c.morris1@npt.gov.uk

Mr Craig Griffiths - Head of Legal Services - Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council - c.griffiths2@npt.gov.uk

Del Morgan - Glynneath NPTC Councillor - cllr.j.d.morgan@npt.gov.uk

Simon Knoyle - Glynneath NPTC Councillor - cllr.s.a.knoyle@npt.gov.uk

Steve Ball - Planning Officer - s.ball@npt.gov.uk

NPTC - contactus@npt.gov.uk


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4 July 2021

Mr Ceri Morris - Head of Planning Department - c.morris1@npt.gov.uk
Mr Craig Griffiths - Head of Legal Services - c.griffiths2@npt.gov.uk
Del Morgan - Glynneath NPTC Councillor - cllr.j.d.morgan@npt.gov.uk
Simon Knoyle - Glynneath NPTC Councillor - cllr.s.a.knoyle@npt.gov.uk
Steve Ball - Planning Officer - s.ball@npt.gov.uk
NPTC - contactus@npt.gov.uk

Dear Neath-Port Talbot Council Public Officials

Our ref: 20210704A-EM-RICD-NPTC-morris.video

We have just uploaded a video to youtube for public viewing that reaches the following conclusion:

Ceri Morris is continuing to and has potentially murdered Glynneath residents to support the corrupt activities of the Neath-Port Talbot Council Planning Department.

 This email is sent to you so that you have the opportunity to provide counter evidence to that presented in the video or to undertake an investigation into this allegation. The video is uploaded in response to the NPTC value 

"We will be open to challenge and will promote a culture of learning and innovation throughout our organisation"

as stated in the NPTC Corporate Plan. The video also draws its inspiration from the remaining 'purpose, vision and values of the Neath-Port Talbot County Borough Council which are:

Our Purpose: Neath Port Talbot Council exists to serve and represent the interests of its citizens and communities. We strive to improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of all of our people. 

Our Vision: We want our county borough to be a place where everyone has an equal chance to get on in life – a place where people want to live, learn and work and bring up their family. 

We want our beautiful natural environment, and our rich cultural and industrial heritage to be appreciated and protected for many future generations to enjoy. 

We also want to pursue new and existing opportunities for economic growth so we can sustain our diverse communities for many years to come. 

Our Values: We will stand up for our citizens and our communities, advocating for the needs and aspirations of our people in every aspect of our work. 

We will listen to our citizens, our workforce and our many partners and seek ways to meaningfully involve people in our work. 

We will celebrate diversity in all of its forms and work tirelessly for greater equality in all of our communities. 

We will conduct the work of the Council in an open and accessible way, ensuring we are properly accountable for the decisions we make. 

We will make the best use of all resources available to us. 

We will further strengthen the bonds of collaboration, working with others – including the voluntary, statutory and private sectors to benefit our citizens and communities.

I trust this email finds you well, I look forward to your response in due course.

regards - David Richards




See the video "Cuddy Tipping Habits" for more on Steve Ball

Glynneath Contamination and Corruption Cover-up playlist on Youtube - CLICK HERE



Links to all documents mentioned in this video and further information can be found on the following website:


Corruptuon Coalition link

My Corrupt Council link